My Promises to My Clients and Students¹
- You will have measurable relief from whatever has been causing you stress and grief…in minutes, not months
- You will experience true emotional freedom which results in more energy, clarity, courage and the confidence to care less about what other people think of you
- You will enjoy physical relief and even healing. You’ll be transformed into a state of life and energy and EASE versus the dis-ease you’ve been operating in
- You’ll learn how to activate your spiritual gifts: wisdom, knowledge, faith and power so that you can LEAD your life with confidence and joy and help guide others to do the same.
What is causing you grief and stealing your joy?
- Death of a Loved One
- Divorce
- Dreadful Doctor’s Diagnosis
- Devastating Natural Disaster
- Disgraceful Spiritual/Church Wounds
- Something not on this list?
Question: Is this stress and grief…
- disrupting your sleep?
- impacting your work and family life?
- filling you with negative emotions like sadness, grief, anger, fear or bitterness?
How LONG has this been holding you back?
Test Your Distress Levels Right Now
When you think about your painful situation, assign it a distress level on a scale of 0-10 (with 10 being extremely distressed).

What number came up for you?
Now, do that distress level test with each of the challenges you are currently battling.
Every challenge you have that measures a 3 or higher indicates that your soul is suffering and I can help!
I’ve been called a “Chiropractor for Your Soul.”
I address Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit.
There are two ways to work with me…
We’re all hungry to live our truth
Most of my clients come to me because they’ve reached the edge of their understanding. They’re in emotional pain and spiritual turmoil.
Some are in need of skills for relationship building; others need relief from the human experiences of trauma, loss or life changes.
Many are looking to clear the blocks and karma that are stalling their financial and business success.
One thing all of my clients have in common is that they believe in God, know they’re destined for something more than just a mediocre life, and understand that their mind/EGO/Soul is the only thing interfering with them living to their full potential. While they may not always be able to articulate their problem, what I know is this…
If you’ve been feeling stuck looking for a safe place to take off the EGO masks and set down your emotional armor, you’re in the right place.
My mission is to reveal the God IN you TO you and help you remove the suffering and confusion of living in the false identity of your human EGO/Soul. I want to help you heal:
- Disappointment (Dissolve the dashed dreams that make you feel like a victim and drain you of hope.)
- Shame (Create indestructible self-worth, learn to trust and learn to expect and attract good in your life.)
- Trauma (Deal with trauma and grief – past and present – including any Destructive Habits of Distraction© – addictions – that may have manifested as a way of coping with your pain and anger.)
- Loss (Recover from all types of loss, including Divorce, Death, Destructive Natural Disasters and Dreadful Doctor’s Diagnosis.)
- Change (Learn how to tame the voices of loneliness, confusion and grief when you’re experiencing unfathomable changes in your life.)
And because I know you will have sacred and specific spiritual beliefs, I vow to meet you there without judgment, contest or fear.
I have every confidence that because Divine Spirit is my guide, I am able to effortlessly serve people from every walk of life, from any spiritual or religious background. It’s so much fun to share in the journey in watching all of the limiting beliefs and pain-filled stories to melt away.
I’ve come to understand that healthy spiritual beliefs always center on Divine Love, compassion and service.
“Imagine that your Spirit is eagerly waiting to fill your life with joy. What will your next step be? I’d be honored to join you on your journey of discovery (and restoration) of the wonderful YOU that the world has been waiting for.”
What my awesome clients are saying…
~ Melissa Lawson
~ Carolyn Grafton
Dr. Andrea
Inspire Wellness Chiropractic
~ Martha Harbison,
~ Christal Conard
~ Camine Pappas
“Measurable relief from whatever is giving you grief in minutes, not months.”
Jan is one of nine EFT Founding Master Practitioners in the U.S and creator of The Overcomers Academy and The EGO Tamer Academy.
Jan is a #1 Best Selling Author and master trainer on the topics of spiritual healing, healing your grief, taming your EGO, resiliency and the art of success.
Jan is an inspirational trainer and speaker for audiences of all sizes. Her programs at The Overcomers Academy are healing, powerful and fun.
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