Here are the answers to our most frequently asked questions about working with Jan:
1. Sessions are offered by phone and by Zoom around the world. Our offices are located in the Eastern Time Zone of the United States. For the current time in our offices, please click or tap here.
2. Jan speaks English.
3. Sessions are 75 minutes in length. (Please expect the first session to go 90 minutes as you and Jan get acquainted.)
4. We use PayPal for all personal coaching session payments. This option provides you with the flexibility of using your exiting PayPal account or using a credit or debit card without creating a PayPal account.
5. No, we don’t accept insurances.
6. JanLuther.com and Jan’s personal coaching sessions are services of The Rejuvenation Station, LLC, which was established in 2005.
7. Jan is one of nine EFT Founding Master Practitioners in the United States.
8. Each session is filled with EFT and Jan’s deeper, more spirit-filled techniques that she calls The EGO Tamer® (TET) Tapping.
9. Jan records your phone sessions and you’ll receive an mp3 recording within a week of your session so that you can listen back, take notes and tap along for additional healing insights and clearing. The mp3 is included in your session fee. When you participate in a Zoom personal coaching session, you have the option to record the session to your computer. (For Zoom sessions, using a computer is highly recommended so that your hands are free for tapping.)
10. Jan is a Master Energy Healer and each session includes what she calls Divine Love Transmissions. This high vibrational energy will encode itself onto your audio recording and you may find that you feel uplifted and encouraged more and more each time you listen to it. (Many clients have mentioned that they turn the volume almost to zero and let these play in their homes just to get the spiritual cleansing and lifting energy without even actually listening or tapping along.)
11. As a certified Past Life Regression Therapist, Jan can include the Healing of Karmic Contracts and cutting of energetic bonds & chords from your past lives, if appropriate. (The best part is together with Jan, you’ll talk through it while you’re awake and lucid enough to actively participate in the conversations and TAP away trauma, grief and verdicts from the past life.)
Notice you get to experience 3 sessions in one! 😊
12. How many sessions will it take? The number of sessions needed varies with each person. Until you talk with Jan, she can’t be sure how deeply rooted your current challenge is so it would be wrong of her to tell you how many sessions it will take. Jan is fiercely committed to your transformation in as few sessions as possible. Generally speaking, her goal is for you to experience major results in as few as four (4) sessions.
13. What are your rates? This depends upon the number of sessions we decide you’ll want to reserve in the “right fit/decision” conversation. As a service provider it would be like guessing how much it will cost you to paint your home without knowing how big your house is, how bad the paint is peeling and if you want to pick an entirely new color.
And on that note, let us tell you that you have Jan’s satisfaction guarantee on every session.
Jan promises you three things:
1. She will ensure that EFT and TET Tapping work for you. (You rate your distress and YOU decide if /when the numbers are going down.)
2. She will provide you with inspired ideas and insights that you didn’t have prior to your personal coaching session.
3. You will FEEL better. The energy often lifts like a heavy cloak leaving you feeling lighter, happier and more hopeful. If, for some reason, she cannot deliver on those three promises, she will simply refund your session payment – no fuss, no bother. Jan wants you to be completely happy with your session and if you aren’t happy, she’s not happy.
When you and Jan decide that you’re a good fit to work together, you can expect to receive Jan’s undivided attention during your session which includes tons of TLC: Tools, Love and Coaching!
To get started working with Jan, we need you’ll need to fill out our Right Fit Survey/Client Intake Form.
After we review your forms and see that we’re confident we can support and help you with your specific goals and challenges, we’ll email you with a link to our “Right Fit/Decision Call” calendar where you can schedule a free 15-minute phone call. That will give you and Jan a chance to meet, ask each other questions and discern how many sessions will best serve you.
Here’s some other information you may find helpful:
Here are some questions & answers from Emails we received…
E-mailed Question
I have a quick question for you – I have noticed during our phone sessions that you often say “good” when I yawn during tapping. I have been tapping a TON everyday by myself and I have been yawning like crazy. I’m always reminded that you say that is good, but I was wondering if you could quickly explain the significance of the yawn during tapping? Thanks Jan 🙂
Answer from Jan
Love to hear this! Yawning signifies a core release. I always compare it to when we are stressed and we contract and HOLD our breath…when we release, we breathe so deeply that we might yawn and release all that trapped energy and emotion.
SO thrilled to hear you are tapping and having great results.
Love and hugs,
E-mailed Question
Jan, I had emailed a local (EFT) trainer not long ago. She mentioned the possibility of skipping Level One training, and doing Level Two. Where should I start? The foremost reason for this is to get certification. I’m not sure what is required. I’d actually like to start with Level One, but travel is not easy for me.
Answer from Jan
My personal opinion is that these trainings (especially now that they are 2-day events—this is a lot of information!) need to be taken in their sequential order. It will save you a lot of worry about missing a key element to effective application of EFT and it will build your confidence to have all of the foundational information right from the start. I personally will not accept a student into EFT Level Two training that has not attended an EFT Level One training and practiced for at least three (3) months.
I certainly understand the travel challenges.
Perhaps the real question is: Where do you wish to go with EFT? If your heart is being called to be a full time practitioner, realize that you’re devoting a mere two days toward something that will help you build a business that will last for decades! Not to mention that if you are indeed building a career and business, the investment could bring a return of thousands of dollars per month for years to come!
If, however, you’re interested in EFT strictly for personal applications then it may not be worth the time or investment. If you’re considering learning EFT strictly for personal application, the time and investment would have to be weighed against how much you might otherwise end up paying a practitioner to assist you over the years.
Trust your heart. You’ll know if this is merely a want or a true urging from your spirit.
Sending you love, support and hugs,
E-mailed Question
Which diagnosis results in post traumatic stress disorder?
Answer from Jan
What a great question! Thanks for giving me the opportunity to elaborate.
I’ve found that whenever a client is “diagnosed” with a chronic condition or has a sudden life changing situation, they often experience PTSD type symptoms after the fact.
Two examples from this month’s client list:
A cancer patient finishes treatment and everything ‘should be good’ but they are depressed, nervous and fearful. They don’t trust that they’re okay. Using EFT, we clear the traumatic memory of the day the Doctor gave them the diagnosis and they experience an immediate increase of peace and well-being.
Young parents that have lost an infant 90 minutes after birth. Obviously, if they had been given the news that something was wrong in the delivery room it would be highly traumatic.. This couple, however, was given a diagnosis prior to labor and delivery and it might have been easily overlooked. By deliberately working through the trauma of getting that diagnosis, or any ‘dreadful news’, the client can began the process of grieving.
E-mailed Question
That word Resistance…I don’t know if it will resonate with my friend, but it sure does keep coming up in my life…I got a daily quote (pasted in below) today about resistance…not that I EVER have any resistance to anything…LOL… I’m working hard on releasing resistance and being open!
Death is an inevitable cycle. But sickness before death is a symptom of resistance. Most people think they’ve got to get sick to die. But, you could be like the cat who chooses to get run over. Or, you could just lie down in your bed happily one night, so content and thoughtless, wanting nothing in this physical world; and just reemerge into Pure Positive Energy… You can play it out any way you choose. – Abraham
On another subject, do you ever hear that your clients or others doing tapping can get very tired after tapping?
Answer from Jan
Hey there…LOL about the resistance…
A suggestion…I would invite you to ask your little voice (EGO) what might happen if you don’t know… if you’re wrong…. If someone doesn’t believe you…those kinds of questions. I feel like it’s coming from a vulnerable place of trying to protect feeling safe about knowing what’s going on and – bottom line – little voice (EGO) is always worried about being right. What if you’re not right? HEY>>>> You might learn something LOL
I do believe the quote you sent by Abraham…. Struggle is a state of mind and so is pain!
On the other subject…YES! Clients that are clearing emotional blocks often feel drained for a season when they are tapping…that’s why I often joke and call it emotional aerobics. We’re literally giving our emotional body a workout as we work through our stories.