As we approach this Christmas weekend, remember that the EGO voices think happiness and success are quantifiable. Too many times the focus is on the wanting of “THINGS” to bring a sense of satisfaction. Sadly, such measures of success always leave one wanting for more.

What if we could change your paradigm – your inner GPS – to laser focus on true and lasting happiness? Experiences of feeling alive, free, loved such as:

– Holding a sleeping baby.
– Looking into the eyes of your true love.
– Taking in a breathtaking view of nature.

These experiences last forever in our hearts and minds. Certainly we treasure them and want to experience more of the same, but have you ever been disappointed or felt lacking after such experiences? Probably not.

This Christmas, can we focus less on the gifts and more on the giving? Giving our time, our energy, our attention to being fully “present” with ourselves and our loved ones? I think that perhaps this is what is meant by “laying up your treasures in Heaven.”

Remember: Things rust and rot and fade away. Love lingers on in our soul forever.

May your holidays be filled with love and laughter!


Merry Christmas!

With love and hugs to you and yours,