I’m so happy to share this memory today, the 10-year anniversary of the passing of my son, Devin. Whenever I think of Devin, my heart bursts with love and joy. I had to train myself to do this, but when I think of him I never think of what I’m missing or what I’ve lost and I certainly never feel sorry for myself (anymore). I think of what a blessing it is to be his mother. I remember him just like this with that goofy grin, mischief in his eyes and his great big loving arms. How could I grieve for one minute when I choose these thoughts?
I have a secret wish that I’ve never shared that I’m feeling bold about today. It hit me really strongly yesterday when I was on a fabulous coaching training call with Joanna Lindenbaum. She was asking us to begin planning for the next 12 months of our business and then she asked a question that I shrugged off at first, BUT when I sat with it for a minute this big soul-yearning popped up and I thought – – -.. Ahhh – Ohhh – – – I do have a huge heart wish and it feels scary to put it out there.
Let me be clear that my fear is not that I can’t deliver it. My hesitation is that I don’t want to offend anyone’s need to “defend and maintain your pain.” That’s your free will and choice. Having worked with thousands of clients, you can rest assured that I’m really gifted at soothing and supporting you based on your needs and goals. That being said, if you wish to find healing and relief while maintaining a healthy memory and connection to your loved one (or heal whatever trauma has occurred in the past) that is where we can really experience miraculous transformations and healing.
So, here goes…
I’d love to help every WILLING soul learn to let go. Let go of grief. Let go of trauma. Let go of perceived injustices. Let go of all the old EGO paradigms that have conditioned us to believe things like:
“I will never get over this.”
“Things will never be the same.” (Therefore, I’ll never be happy again.)
“This shouldn’t be happening to me.”
Life is all about the contrasting experiences. Have you ever been inspired by a book, movie or story where the hero or heroine had NOTHING to rise above? Of course not.
I truly believe that we can turn our fears into fuel and put our pain to work as part of our life purpose. I believe that these very real, very painful and incredibly humbling life experiences are meant to refine us, not define us!
Does any of this resonate with you?
- Are you tired of suffering from some trauma, loss or life change?
- Are you sick of settling with a sub-par life experience because fear and pain have sucked the energy out of you?
- Does it make sense to you that your past should define your future or that losing a loved one should cost you even an ounce of your own best life?
Hey, trust me, I get it. I really didn’t think I would live to see this day. I waded through depression and physical pain that nearly drowned me for a few years. There were days when I literally locked myself in my closet because my sensitive, empathic self felt so raw that I couldn’t bear to be in the same room with other people.
And, I also made major decisions along the way. The first decision was based on a quote from Maya Angelou:
“I may be changed by what happens to me, but I refuse to be reduced by it!”
I did daily emotional healing work. I hired coaches, healers and teachers. I read a butt-ton of books on grief and resilience. Every step of the way I was observing the process. Writing and talking about it. Testing what I was learning while helping others who were suffering from whatever life had thrown them.
So now, at this 10-year anniversary of Devin’s Graduation to Heaven – – – I think…I know, I’m ready to share, teach and heal on an even larger scale.
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