How do you measure success?

How do you measure success? It is a very subjective state or experience. Some define success as fame and fortune. Others as creating an artistic masterpiece. I measure success as having a positive influence on the people that read my words, hear my voice or grace me...

Dream Successfully

To successfully accomplish your wildest dreams you must first learn to dream successfully. Not mediocre, not mundane – dream magnificently and wildly today!

Go after your dreams

I believe that for every setback there is a possible comeback. Success does not come to those who wait, but to those who keep getting up and going after their dreams.

Too big to miss

When David prepared to battle Goliath, the naysayers told him,  “You can’t hit him. He is way too big.” David replied, “Yes, exactly. I cannot fail. He is too big to miss!” Dream big. That way, it’s easier to your mark.

Success is an attitude

Success is an attitude. When it seems that the winds are blowing in your face and all seems to be against you – imagine it is the breath of God dusting you off for your grand and glorious entrance!