STOP! You do not need to submit this form. Based on your response, we're probably not a right fit for coaching. Belief in God/a Divine Creator is a necessary requirement for working with me. You can close this window.
If you selected Other above, please provide the name you use for the Divine Creator/God.
Full Name
First Name (name by which you would like to be called)
Email Address
Home Phone Number (XXX-XXX-XXXX format please)
Mobile Phone Number (XXX-XXX-XXXX format please)
When were you born? MM/DD/YYYY format please. (This is needed to ensure you are over 18 years of age.)
Please briefly describe the challenge for which you would like assistance.
How long have you been struggling with this challenge?
What was lacking (or didn't work) for you with that coach or therapist?
What else have you tried to help you with this challenge?
What do you really, really, really want right NOW?
What do you need first and foremost?
If you could make a wish and the pain/problem/challenge would be replaced with the perfect circumstances and solutions, what would that look, sound and feel like for you right now?
What is the name of your business?
How long have you been operating this business?
Please provide me with your website address. (If you don't have one, please enter "None.")
Please provide me with your Facebook fan page address. (If you don't have one, please enter "None.")
Who referred you?
If you selected Other above, please let me know how you heard about me.
If you selected "Other" above, please give me a brief description of your experience with EFT and Tapping.
Upon submitting your Client Intake Form, you'll be taken to the PayPal payment page to pay for your session. Once your payment is complete, DO NOT CLOSE YOUR BROWSER because it will open a "thank you" page that has the button for scheduling your Right Fit Personal Coaching Session.
If you are human, leave this field blank.