The Conversation F.O.R.M.U.L.A.

by Jan Luther

In our cell phone/text-addicted society, the skill of striking up a conversation is swiftly being lost. The Conversation FORMULA can help you make new friends or create fellowship at your church and can absolutely help you grow and prosper in your business.

Whatever your situation, The Conversation FORMULA will provide you with a very flexible template of what to say, when to say it and how to turn a stranger into a friend or client for life.

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The Conversation FORMULA by Jan Luther


40 Pages

Most people have never learned or been taught how to turn a “first conversation” into a deep and lasting relationship. Nor have we received instructions or a template to follow to help us do that.

This little handbook can become your favorite secret tool for turning what could be an awkward introduction into a lifelong friendship.


I asked God why on earth He wanted my first project of 2023 to be writing this little instruction manual.

My focus for the past several years has been helping people to renew their minds and restore their joy by healing past trauma, grief and broken-heartedness.

Very simply, He said in my Spirit:

“People need to learn how to have deep conversations with one another before they can have intimate conversations with Me!”

Well, alrighty then. So here we go.

This little coaching handbook is the product of over 40 years of my life and business experience. It may take you, oh, about an hour or so to read it.

And I hope you’ll immediately begin to use what you learn here as you read and use the suggested action steps at the end.

Please keep in mind that I always write the way that I teach; as if you are sitting with me face-to-face, heart-to-heart, wanting the meat and the practical application steps that you can use right away.

So, with that in mind, I begin with what I know best… the solution to the steps and stumbles I’ve experienced getting to the place where having loving conversations is such a natural part of who I am that I never have to stop and think about how to engage.

My prayer for you is that by learning and practicing The Conversation FORMULA, you’ll discover that the solution to your inner longing for connection with people and with God is through engaging in deep, meaningful heart-centered conversations.

Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.

Mark Twain

The art of conversation is the art of hearing as well as of being heard.

William Hazlitt

Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person.

Colossians 4:6

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Make new friends! Connect at Church! Build your thriving business!

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The Conversation FORMULA by Jan Luther