Teleclass Registration Closes Today

My teleclass on “A Fresh Dose of Courage” is this Friday morning and registration closes this afternoon!  Don’t miss out on the opportunity to discuss and tap on some of today’s hot topics with an EFT Master!  We’ll be working together on...

What is money?

Money is our ‘current’ form of exchange.  It is easier than trading chickens and cows.  At the end of the day – money is simply green paper and round metal discs.

Funny Money Phrases

Make a list of the “funny money phrases” you have adopted from childhood, like…”Money doesn’t grow on trees!” What does that have to do with anything? If you want to learn more about clearing beliefs that are blocking your financial prosperity, check out my home study...

Your self-worth

Your sense of self-worth is often reflected in your financial worth.  What “fear full” beliefs have you adopted about money and prosperity?